This is the second release in Katie Mettner's hot new Kontakt Series and it looks just as sexy as book one. Be sure to scroll the to bottom of this post to check out the first book in the series. Oh, and an awesome GIVEAWAY from Katie!
The German's Desperate Vow, Kontakt Series, book 2
Hot Miami Nights.
A Desperate Vow.
German engineer Pia Möller lives and breathes sex. She spends her days designing high-end sensual aids for Kontakt Miami, and her nights lusting after her sexy co-worker, Seth Decker. Temptation brings them together, but it’s desperation that will fan the flames of desire between them. One night together will never be enough, and as the clock runs out, Pia vows to do anything necessary to stay in Miami… consequences be damned.
I watched Seth step onto the elevator while I shook my head. “What is wrong with you, Pia?” I whispered aloud. “Check your libido at the door.”
I waited until he went off to whatever job was next for him, then I shut down the office lights and locked the door before I summoned an elevator car. It was time for bed after that disastrous night. I normally worked the day shift, but I had a late call with a colleague in Germany. I decided to stay and work on the new motor when we finished. What kind of fool uses their hair to test a product with an already defined problem?
This fool is who.
I stepped onto the elevator and hit the button for the tenth floor, riding in silence. I knew that would not last long. Soon the whole building would be up and at ‘em, as they say in the States. I would not be up or at anything. I was going to take a shower and climb into my bed. Apparently, I was going on a date tonight, and I did not want to resemble a zombie. Not when the guy knocking on my door would be Seth Decker.
He is tall, dark, and handsome in every sense of the saying. His hair is dark rich chocolate compared to my honey blonde. His eyes are burnt amber compared to my effervescent blue. His height equals mine when I wear heels, and I enjoy the fact he is slightly taller than me without. It wasn’t often that was the case.
I glanced down at the fuck-me pumps I wore but could not see them over my busen. My breasts were generous by every world’s standards and a real pain in my neck, literally. The only thing I liked about them was the look of lust on Seth’s face every time he saw me. He was always a gentleman and tried to avert his eyes, but I knew. Every man reacted the same way, but when Seth’s eyes lit on them, it never made me feel dirty. He was always respectful.
Working here, I was well aware that desire was not always easy to control. I should know, I had a hard time not throwing myself at Seth every time we passed each other in the hallway. It was completely unprofessional to date a coworker, and as the head of the engineering department, I had to set a good example. That did not mean I had to like it. Somehow, I would have to spin tonight as a working dinner, so no one asked questions I did not want to answer. Most especially should my boss be the one asking them.
Lars Jäger was the nicest guy you would ever meet, but he had his limits. Sure, he dated and married his marketing director when the Miami office first opened, but that was extenuating circumstances. They worked together closely for months as the only two in the building. Besides, they were perfect for each other and denying that would be like denying the giant globes on my chest.
I snorted with laughter when the doors opened, and I came face-to-face with the big boss himself. “Lars,” I greeted him, exiting the elevator. “You are up early.”
He lifted a brow and let the doors slide shut. “And you are up late. You did not sleep again?”
“Ende der sitzung,” I explained and then grimaced. It was difficult to remember to speak English with him when it was our second language. He wanted me to use as little German as possible in the building, though. He worried other employees who did not speak German would perceive it as deceptive. Granted, it was just the two of us in the hallway, but I tried to avoid it all the time, so I did not do it at the wrong time. “I apologize,” I sighed, “I am müde.” I gave myself a cheek slap in frustration. “I am tired.”
He laughed and patted my shoulder. “Relax, Pia. You had a late meeting here?”
“No, with Marcus in Germany. I decided to stay and work on a problem we have with a prototype, but I was unsuccessful.”
He smiled and tucked his hands into his expensive suit pants pockets. The man was all German god. Serenity was a lucky woman to share his bed.
Good lord, woman. You must need to take a spin with one of your creations because you are, what do they say here? A horny dog?
The German's Guilty Pleasure, Kontakt Series, book 1
Hot Miami nights.
His guilty pleasure.
German CEO Lars Jäger is ready to start an American sexual revolution. His business is sex wrapped up in a vibrating bow, but no one is buying. When the stunningly beautiful Serenity Matthews signs on as his marketing director, he knows she will turn his business around as quickly as she turned his head. Serenity is the forbidden fruit, and Lars can’t stop himself from taking a bite … consequences be damned.

This series looks like absolute fire, ya know what I mean? I can't wait to dig in!
If you want to know more Katie Mettner, check her bio and links below - but first - that GIVEAWAY I mentioned before.
Katie Mettner writes small-town romantic tales filled with epic love stories and happily-ever-afters. She proudly wears the title of, 'the only person to lose her leg after falling down the bunny hill,' and loves decorating her prosthetic with the latest fashion trends. She lives in Northern Wisconsin with her own happily-ever-after and three mini-mes. Katie has a massive addiction to coffee and Twitter, and a lessening aversion to Pinterest -- now that she's quit trying to make the things she pins.