Happy New Year!

Happy New Year

Happy New Year!

I hope you can look back at 2018 and smile at the memories you made. If you can't, I hope you can look forward to 2019 and the memories you're going to make. All in all, 2018 was pretty good to me.

I don't usually make resolutions but I do try to consider the things I'd like to do better in the upcoming year.

For 2019, I'd like to have more time to actually write. I spent many hours getting words down early in 2018 but the last few months have been too busy to get any serious work done. With 2019 comes new deadlines and expectations. I will meet these expectations.

For 2019, I'm going to reflect on all the things in my life that make me happy. I will not dwell on things I cannot change. I usually try not to anyway, but it doesn't hurt to remind myself how important it is to stay positive and appreciative.

For 2019, I'm going to try maintaining balance in my life. Including taking care of myself, making healthier choices, taking time to relax when I need to. Take days off from work and writing when I need to.

Things I look forward to:

  • My daughter's wedding in November.
  • The release of my new series Accidental Love with Bookouture.
  • Lots of time with my family, and I hope some of that time with my family will be spent on a beach somewhere. 🙂

My advice to you for 2019:

Take the time to smell the roses. Enjoy life. Worry less. Love more. Read lots! Most important, live in the moment.

